Bespoke Websites


 in a sea of website blandness


Bespoke Websites came about when we recognised that a whole sector of the community - small businesses just like you - ideally needed to have an online presence but had no real idea where to start. There are two paths you could go down … the first is to commission a web developer to build and manage it. The second is to do it yourself. One can be expensive and still requires quite a bit of upfront commitment to supply content, structure and direction. Path Two requires you to invest hours and hours learning how to actually do it yourself … not to mention the ongoing commitment of managing it!!! If you go down Path Two, you WILL encounter hiccups. Most small businesses are actually busy working in and on their business and have no real interest, time or expertise in marketing, to create and manage a website. As a  result, the increasingly popular, drop and drag web building template sites have evolved. While they sound like a ‘reasonable’ solution, ask yourself these questions... website design questions These are all additional pressures you don’t need. That’s were we come in. On the surface, we might look a little like Path One, but our points of difference are talent & cost!!! We recognise that for the most part, to get you up and running you’ll only require a simple landing page that showcases who you are, what you do and how you can be contacted ... and that’s exactly what Bespoke does. We get you online using the collective skills of a graphic designer & a web builder, offering a unique, creative, succinct & functional website ... for the all-in fixed price* of AU$1650.00.


*Bespoke Websites is all about getting your online presence up and running. Our package offers an excellent opportunity to have a tailor-made website for a fraction of the regular cost.

The structure, though flexible enough to address the diversity of individual businesses, is limited to a startup block of five pages # (categories) and the specific design & build components outlined above.

Our package includes design of your hero image and detailed advice on the content of your site but not for writing your content. Any copy writing, additional sourced images, additional pages or e-commerce section, changes to site after it’s live or any other work necessary beyond the package will be quoted for and accepted before work commences.


There are two of us in this venture … Tracey Lee Cooper & Kirralee Blake. We promise to bring more than flowers to the task of showcasing your business!

Tracey Lee has been a graphic designer for almost 30 years, the last 25 running her own design business ‘Maverick Creative’ in Bowral Australia. She can help you navigate what content to gather, advise on imagery and font suggestion, and will design your site’s ‘look and feel’ to ensure we capture and feature what makes your business unique.

Kirralee Blake is the engine behind your masterpiece. Kirralee has been designing websites for over 10 years through her own web development company Estancy Studio. PS: That’s not really us in the photo!!